PHF Coldmix – A permanent Pot hole solution

PHF is a high quality polymer modified cold asphalt that has years of proven experience in New Zealand and throughout the South Pacific in extremely hot and cold climates.
Potholes in asphalt or concrete
Reinstating utility cuts
Repairs to deteriorating asphalt
Speed humps
Water channels
Edge breaks
PHF Coldmix Pothole Fill is a permanent pothole repair kit. It is the ideal product for fixing potholes or making asphalt repairs in your driveway, carpark or highway.
PHF is an asphalt product made with special polymers so that it remains strong and flexible yet easy to use - excellent qualities for making long term repairs to potholes.
Our experience has shown us that PHF is as good as if not better than Hotmix for fixing potholes in the road surface.
PHF is a simple permanent pothole material and results show better performance than hotmix when fixing potholes.
PHF is ideal for roading contractors as it is remains strong and flexible for extended period of time – unlike hotmix which cures once mixed PHF is cured through compaction.
Once installed it can be trafficked immediately.
PHF can be installed in all weather conditions even when the pothole is filled with water.
Can be used for repairs to deteriorating asphalt, speed humps, ramps, edge breaks, water channels and reinstatement of utility cuts.
No specialized equipment is necessary for manufacturing and the finished product can be made quickly – in under 10 minutes.
No bitumen emulsion is required.
There is no wastage of material as the fill can be covered and used at a later date.
Sealed bags have a shelf life of 12 months if stored in a cool environment.
PHF Coldmix Binder concentrate can be shipped globally so that contractors can make their own top quality Coldmix Pothole Fill.