Polymer Modification for Cementitious Stabilizing

FCM or Flexi-C-Ment builds strong flexible pavements in rural roading, motorways, highways and construction sites.
Using Flexi-C-Ment you can significantly lower construction costs by the reduction of aggregate demands, decreased construction times, decreases in ongoing maintenance and, a significant reduction in the loss of expensive replacement aggregates.
Rural Roading
Civil Construction
Highway Construction
Mining Applications
Runway Applications
Haul Roads - Forestry, Mining, Construction Sites & Agriculture
With the continual need for improvement, Gravel Lock developed Flexi-C-Ment a polymer modification for traditional cementitious stabilizing agents. Our aim was to modernize the way aggregates are stabilized with the added benefit of saving time, money and natural resources. Using Flexi-C-Ment your engineers can increase the amount of cement without the worries of fatigue, brittleness and water ingress whilst increasing tensile, flexural and CBR strengths.
Flexi-C-Ment can yield a 50% reduction in overall pavement depth compared to traditional construction methods.
Flexi-C-Ment lasts longer – up to 1.5-3 times than traditional construction method Significantly reduces or eliminates shrinkage and cracking generating higher tensile, flexural, and compressive strengths for the same cement content.
Improved workability for construction crews, safe and easy for construction crews to use - Not heated like foam bitumen methods.
Where construction times are limited, trained applicators can install up to 6000sqm per day of finished pavement
Rehabilitation, recycling and strengthening of existing granular pavements.
Where there is limited local material, Flexi-C-Ment can be milled with the insitu material to bring up marginal pavement gravels suitable for purpose, improving and modifying organic and non-organic subgrades and base course layers.
Enhanced resistance to weathering and improved long term durability with respect to high temperatures, high rainfall and freeze thaw cycles.
Provides the customer with a water resistant pavement.
Where construction water availability is limited, brackish water is able to be used.
Rapid curing at ambient temperatures.



Hygroscopic Eco-Friendly Cement & Dust Suppressant
HSC is an Eco-friendly Cement which is a self-healing, hard wearing soil stabilizer and dust suppression product that can be used in the construction of both temporary and permanent haul roads. As well as being a cement stabilizer, HSC is a dust suppression product. Being hygroscopic, HSC is able to draw moisture into the pavement keeping it dust suppressed, well bound, compact and maintenance free.
Civil Construction
Mining Applications
Haul Roads - Forestry, Mining, Construction Sites & Agriculture
Rural Roads
Service roads and hardstands
HSC is an eco-friendly cement stabilizer and dust suppression product which is environmentally benign and biodegradable and able to stabilize and solidify most types of soil or aggregates.
HSC keeps excessive moisture out but allows the pavement to hold high enough moisture content to make a self-compacting, self-healing, strong, dust free pavement.
HSC is a non-hydraulic setting cement and once cured produces a strong, wear resistant unsealed pavement.
HSC can be sealed at a later date – up to 24 months.
HSC contains waterproofing agents to create a durable, water resistant matrix
Compatible with most soil types – an eco-friendly, resourceful and inexpensive solution.
Where there is limited local material, HSC can be mixed with the insitu material to modify and improve marginal or substandard material.
Provides a cement stabilized and dust suppressed pavement which draws in moisture keeping the pavement compact and well bound for extended periods.
HSC is successful at suppressing dust to PM10 standards.
HSC improves the engineering properties of the treated material and is proven to eliminate the cost of grading and re-sheeting.
On a Gravel Lock road, aggregate quantities were reduced by 40%.
Roads construction is quicker, resulting in dramatic savings for the client and greatly improved productivity for construction crews and owners.
Long lasting, the product can also be rejuvenated and reworked with a maintenance grade.
Dose rates can be increased for more demanding environments.
Increases CBR strengths.
Where construction water availability is limited, brackish water is able to be used.
Road can be trafficked while construction takes place