German Autobahn Stabilizing
PROJECT – 12TH August 2019
Mosel/Rhein-Hunsrück, is situated 4 hours north of Munich. Normally in the winter months, autobahns are compromised by frost heaving and water ingress in the sub base layers
Category : Road Pavement stabilization
Location : Germany
Industry : Highway Construction
Solution : Pavement Stabilization

Product Used

Erosion Control & Dust Capping
This 28km long 4 lane wide highway was one of the largest projects being constructed in New Zealand at the time. The highway was constructed over weak subgrades so it needed to be preloaded with millions of tons of sand and soil requiring strict environmental controls. Gravel Lock was proud to be a key supplier of CSC dust capping and erosion control in the Tauranga Eastern Link project.
Category : Un-trafficed Erosion Control & Dust Capping
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Highway Construction
Solution : Dust Capping and Erosion Control

Product Used

Tel Alliance Dust Suppresion
Heavily used Haul Road Dust Suppression over the summer season.
The customer’s requirements was to minimise the use of water carts on this very large, 28km, site. The haul road was preloaded with sand 3-20m deep and due to the difficult material needing to be treated (fine sands), the Gravel Lock program included more frequent applications using less product.
Category : Instant Dust Suppression
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Highway Construction
Solution : Instant Dust Suppression

Product Used

Marsden Point Road, Highway Patching
Patch repairs in a sealed network.
Marsden Point is not only the main port for Northland but it houses New Zealand’s only Oil Refinery. The Marsden Point Highway is the main arterial route for trucks to and from the hub. The pavement had begun to unravel and large potholes had formed.
Category : Road Pavement Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Highway Construction
Solution : Soil Stabilization

Product Used

Far North District Council Dust Suppression
Dust Suppression on Gravel Roads. ESTABLISHED CLIENT OF 6 YEARS – FNDC Council. Multiple sites all over Northland, New Zealand.
The Far North District Council has been using Gravel Lock’s RDC on their gravel roads each summer season for the past six years.
Category : Instant Dust Suppression
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Industry Roading
Solution : Dust Suppression

Product Used

Subgrade Stabilization & Pot hole Repair
Spains Road in Kaitaia, Northland is built over a peat sub grade. Peat is characterized by large porosity and low density with a large water and organic matter content causing issues such as dust, potholes, corrugations, heaving and gravel loss.
Category : Road Pavement Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Secondary Roading
Solution : Stabilization

Product Used

Golf Course Dust Suppresion
Tara Iti Golf Course is an exclusive privately owned golf course in Mangawhai, New Zealand. The brief was to instantly reduce/eliminate dust for clients and staff driving around the cart roads and internal roads.
Category : Unsealed Road Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Secondary Roading
Solution : Dust Suppression

Product Used

Dubai Sand Stabilizing
PROJECT – November 2018
The GCC countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) depend heavily on the outside world for the supply of most of their aggregates due to lack of resources. Being able to stabilize insitu granular sand is a major breakthrough for these countries. Flexi-C-Ment was used in Dubai to stabilize a pull off lane (shoulder) in an industrial roadway and also a loading construction bay used for the sale of aggregate.
Category : Road Pavement Stabilization
Location : Dubai
Industry : Secondary Roading
Solution : Sand Stabilizing

Product Used

Golf Course Sand Stabilizing
PROJECT – May 2014 to October 2017
New Zealand's first-ever American-style private golf club with members handpicked to ensure the club maintained a laid-back, intimate vibe. Located on the Te Arai coast on an enormous sand dune, the developers brief was to build roads that looked like sand.
Category : Unsealed Road Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Secondary Roading
Solution : Stabilization

Product Used

Monastery Road, India
PROJECT – November 2015
Gravel Lock was approached to stabilize a newly formed road in Dharampur, Gujarat, one of the most sacred states in India. The college/temple had been constructed over a failing undeveloped clay haul road that constantly required expensive maintenance works. A 200mm gap 40/60 was laid down over the top of the existing roadway and the grader methodology was applied to this installation.
Category : Road Pavement Stabilization
Location : India
Industry : Secondary Roading
Solution : Stabilization

Product Used

Hardstand Stabilizing, Viterra
PROJECT – 2020
The scope of the project was to stabilize and bridge the underlying subgrade that was causing failure in the top pavement. Water ingress was the main problem in this highly plastic material.
Category : Road Pavement Stabilization
Location : Australia
Industry : Yards & Car Parks
Solution : Stabilization

Product Used

Car park Stabilizing & Chip Seal
This extremely busy carpark was very dusty and the aggregate had worn out.
The scope of works was to initially stabilize the insitu aggregate and leave it unpaved. However, after 2 years the contractor chip sealed the pavement without any further maintenance works and which is still in excellent condition to date.
Category : Road Pavement Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Yards & Car Parks
Solution : Stabilization

Product Used

Port Road, Guinea, Africa
PROJECT – 2020
The client needed to stabilize a very difficult access road to the main port through the town. A high organic black cotton soil was causing issues such as potholes, corrugations, heaving etc. The black soil was removed from the site and backfill was imported so construction of the site could begin.
Category : Road Pavement Stabilization
Location : Guinea, Africa
Industry : Yards & Car Parks
Solution : Port Entry Stabilization

Product Used

Placemakers Dust Suppression, 6 years
PROJECT- 2013 – February 2020
Dust Suppression at a busy Truss and Frame Yard
Large gravel yard, heavily trafficked with trucks and forklifts.
The yard is approximately 20000 sqm which has loop roads within it.
Category : Instant Dust Suppression
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Yards & Car Parks
Solution : Yard Dust Suppression

Product Used

Forestry Entrance Haul Road Stabilizing
To build a road using Gravel Lock’s HSC to equal the budget of existing construction method. This forest road had a very weak subgrade – brown rock over burden quarry run – which was failing under the logging traffic. Per kilometre the standard construction on this road was using 1200 cubic metres of 100-150 aggregate in the sub-base and was overlaid with 900 cubic metres of gap 65.
Category : Unsealed Road Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Mining, Forestry, Road
Solution : Stabilization Dust Control

Product Used

Carter Holt Harvey Haul Road Stabilizing
Improve the performance of the Failing Flexing Peat Subgrade.
Purpose: Stabilization/Dust Suppressant.
Prior to treatment aggregate consumption on this haul road was very heavy. Using the insitu material on site for this installation, imported aggregates were reduced to nil.
Category : Unsealed Road Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Mining, Forestry, Road
Solution : Steep Grade Stabilization

Product Used

Mine site, Dust Suppression & Water Saver
Dust Suppression over the summer season
The pavement conditions prior to treatment was very dusty, the aggregate was in a fair condition with an existing depth of around 50mm. The mine has two types of material, a fine clay material on the Haul Road and gravel on the Service Road.
Category : Instant Dust Suppression
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Mining, Forestry, Road
Solution : Dust Minimization

Product Used

Marshall Islands, Runways
PROJECT - 2018
This public use runway is on Jaluit Atoll, a coral formation in the Ralik (western) chain of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, situated in the west-central Pacific Ocean. The Runway consists of crushed coral which had deteriorated over time resulting in loss of fines which in turn caused the pavement to deform and create potholes from poor drainage.
Category : Unsealed Pavement Stabilization
Location : Marshall Islands
Industry : Runways & Heli Pads
Solution : Coral Runway

Product Used

Urban Surf Wave Park,
PROJECT- 2018/19
Urban Surf Wave Park
Urban Surf Wave Park is a project designed to be a world-class tourism destination. It’s Australia’s first facility to offer a wave park for recreation, sports, emergency services training, school programs and youth development. Gravel Lock is proud to provide the solution to this Company using recycled concrete over expansive silty clays with CBR’s of less than 1.5.
Category : Pavement Stabilization
Location : New Zealand
Industry : Specialized Projects
Solution : Wave Park Floor

Product Used

Give Way Intersection
This rest area is situated just off a very busy highway and experiences extreme amounts of through traffic on a daily basis. The Give Way area is prone to unravelling and potholing which causes road users to experience a negative experience when leaving this complex. Gravel Lock put down a trial of PHF Coldmix Pothole Fill, in the middle of winter, next to traditional fill for the owner to assess the viability and longevity of the product. The PHF is still strong and well bound after 2 years.
Category : Pothole Repair
Location : Marsden Point, New Zealand
Industry : Road Repair
Solution : Pothole Repair

Product Used

Car Park Entrance
This busy entrance/exit way of a shopping complex was experiencing reoccurring potholes. Traditional pothole fill was not lasting and falling out within weeks of being installed. Gravel Lock undertook works with the Owner of Big Tomato Complex to install PHF to the existing potholes in the entrance way. This busy shopping centre experiences hundreds of car movements each day pulling in from an arterial thoroughfare which was becoming dangerous for the customers.
Category : Pothole Repair
Location : Marsden Point, New Zealand
Industry : Road Repair
Solution : Pothole Repair

Product Used